Sea Turtle Conservation
SEE Turtles
Sea turtles around the world are threatened with extinction. SEE Turtles helps turtles and communities by inspiring people to get active in conservation efforts.
We have helped coastal communities save nearly 10 million hatchlings on 60 beaches, clean up thousands of pounds of plastic, and reduce the illegal turtle trade.
Join us in the effort by donating, joining a turtle conservation trip, or learning more about our work.
We have helped coastal communities save nearly 10 million hatchlings on 60 beaches, clean up thousands of pounds of plastic, and reduce the illegal turtle trade.
Join us in the effort by donating, joining a turtle conservation trip, or learning more about our work.
Turtle Foundation
The Turtle Foundation has seven country offices that are collectively committed to protecting sea turtles and their habitats worldwide.
We want to prevent sea turtles from being cruelly killed and exterminated, their nesting beaches from being polluted and overbuilt, and their marine habitats from being contaminated and destroyed by plastic waste and other pollution.
North Carolina Sea Turtle Project
The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) began monitoring sea turtle nesting activities in the late 1970s. The Sea Turtle Protection Program is administered by the NCWRC's Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program (now Wildlife Diversity Program). Information gained from this program contributes to ongoing sea turtle nest management and protection projects on all of the state's beaches.
The Leatherback Trust
The Leatherback Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the leatherback sea turtle.
Our mission is to promote the conservation of leatherbacks and other turtles at risk of extinction.
Turtle Island Restoration Network
For 30 years, Turtle Island Restoration Network (TIRN) has been a leading advocate for the world’s oceans and marine wildlife.
Our work is based on science, fueled by people who care, and effective at catalyzing long-lasting positive change that protects the likes of green sea turtles, whale sharks and coho salmon.
By working with people and communities we preserve and restore critical habitats like the redwood-forested creekbanks of California to the biodiverse waters of Cocos Island.
Sea Turtle Conservancy
The Sea Turtle Conservancy is the oldest and most accomplished sea turtle organization in the world!
STC was founded in 1959 by Mr. Joshua B. Powers in response to renowned ecologist Dr. Archie Carr’s award-winning book, The Windward Road, which first alerted the world to the plight of sea turtles.
The organization began its work in Costa Rica, but has expanded its research and conservation efforts throughout Central America and the Wider Caribbean.
ARCHELON was founded in 1983 under the name "The Sea Turtle Protection Society of Greece" and is a non-profit association with the aim of studying and protecting sea turtles and their habitats.
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The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef stretches along Australia’s northeastern coast, a spine of 3,800 reefs and atolls arcing through the Coral Sea. Together, they form the largest living structure on Earth.
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Turtle Conservancy
The Turtle Conservancy is a conservation organization that aims to protect endangered turtles, tortoises, and their habitats worldwide. TC has supported projects in China, Guyana, India, Mexico, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Pakistan, South Africa, the Philippines, and the United States.
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Sea Turtle Foundation
Sea Turtle Foundation is a non-profit, non-government group based in Australia working to protect sea turtles through research, education and action. Turtles have seen the Earth undergo many changes over time and managed to survive them all. However, things are tough in the modern era when you are a slow breeding, long-lived reptile.
Turtles face many threats from changes in climate, loss of nesting habitat, increase ocean pollution, and deliberate and accidental deaths caused by fishing activities around the world. Learn more
Turtles face many threats from changes in climate, loss of nesting habitat, increase ocean pollution, and deliberate and accidental deaths caused by fishing activities around the world. Learn more
Sea Turtles Forever
Sea Turtles Forever (STF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization devoted to the conservation of marine turtles and the protection of their nesting and foraging habitats.
Since 2002, STF has led conservation operations in Punta Pargos, a small coastal town in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica known for its sea turtle nesting beaches (and great surf).
By hiring the local residents of Punta Pargos to patrol nesting beaches at night, STF creates jobs in the rural community and educates locals about sea turtle conservation.
Together, STF and the Punta Pargos community are able to safely conserve and hatch over 11,000 baby sea turtles every year.
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Wildlife Conservation Society
The Wildlife Conservation Society cultivates a community of people working together to save wildlife. We build relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and empathy.
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The Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST) is committed to facilitating a regional capacity to ensure the recovery and sustainable management of depleted sea turtle populations. And so we ask ourselves: “What would a sustainably managed sea turtle population look like?” What would it look like to Government? To a fisher, a coastal community, a child? To a hotelier, a dive operator, a tourist? What would it “look like” to a reef, a seagrass bed, a sandy beach? Each of these entities, and many others, relies upon and/or benefits from the sea turtle population in measurable ways.
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Oceanic Society
Oceanic Society is strengthening local sea turtle conservation, globally.
Ancient, beautiful, and threatened, sea turtles have survived on Earth for more than 100 million years, yet today their future hangs in the balance. Six of the seven sea turtle species are threatened with extinction due to human impacts (see more facts about sea turtles). Through our sea turtle conservation program, we are working to save sea turtles from extinction worldwide.
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Ancient, beautiful, and threatened, sea turtles have survived on Earth for more than 100 million years, yet today their future hangs in the balance. Six of the seven sea turtle species are threatened with extinction due to human impacts (see more facts about sea turtles). Through our sea turtle conservation program, we are working to save sea turtles from extinction worldwide.
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Over the years, dozens of Seacology projects have helped to protect sea turtles and the habitats they need to survive, from East Africa to the Caribbean.
Unfortunately, many of the same trends that threaten island ecosystems around the world have hit sea turtles particularly hard. Coastal development has upended many of the beaches that they nest in. Eggs are trampled by foot traffic or eaten by pets and invasive species. Discarded fishing lines and other debris constitute a fatal entanglement or choking hazard. And in some places, people still hunt sea turtles and gather their eggs for food.
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Sea turtles are a key part of marine ecosystems worldwide, but they face many threats today. Explore a collection of NOAA webinars, a virtual reality dive, lesson plans, videos, posters, web stories, and more to gain a deeper understanding of sea turtle species and NOAA's efforts within the sanctuary system to protect them and limit the threats they face.
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World Wildlife Fund
This resource guide and interactive classroom presentation are designed to give you all the information you need to teach your students about sea turtles and their habitats - fun sea turtle facts, why they matter, what threats they face, what WWF is doing to help sea turtles and the oceans where they live, and what kids can do.
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Sea World
Dive in and stay connected. We’ve assembled a collection of diverse and engaging sea turtle resources on topics such as ocean conservation, sustainable fisheries, endangered species, massive migrations, habitat protection, and marine animal rehabilitation.
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Turtlewatch Egypt
Started in 2011 in collaboration with the Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (HEPCA,, Turtlewatch Egypt was the first initiative aimed at involving divers and snorkelers in the Egyptian Red Sea in marine conservation research. By sharing their sightings and pictures of marine turtles, visitors to the Red Sea contributed to identify some important feeding and aggregation sites for these endangered animals, to better understand turtle movements and short term migrations, and to assess basic effects of human impact.
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Aquarium Conservation Partnership
The Aquarium Conservation Partnership is a coalition of U.S. aquariums working together to increase our conservation impact. ACP membership is open to nonprofit and public institutions with aquariums accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA).
There are currently 27 aquarium members in 20 states.
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California Academy of Sciences
In a perfect world, we’d realize that our world is perfect. With very little ego, our humble home planet keeps biodiversity balanced, ecosystems harmonious, and the climate calibrated.
At the Academy, we’re focusing our science superpowers on the ecosystems that need them most: coral reefs, tropical islands, and our very own home state. While the initiatives are relatively new, they’re already making a splash.
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South Carolina Marine Turtle Conservation Program
The support of South Carolina coastal residents is needed more than ever to raise awareness and educate our visitors to Keep Light’s Out for Loggerheads. The loggerhead (Caretta caretta) sea turtle nesting season is May through October. Nesting occurs on the beaches of South Carolina’s barrier islands. From May to mid-August, loggerheads come ashore to deposit approximately 120 eggs in a nest cavity in the dry sand dune system.
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SEE the Wild
From leatherbacks to loggerheads, sea turtles live throughout the world’s oceans. While they nest primarily on tropical and sub-tropical beaches, their migrations can take them across entire oceans.
The best place to see a sea turtle is while it is nesting on a beach. Some places also offer opportunities to see them in the water as part of research programs.
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The Nature Conservancy
Scientists estimate that there are only about 1,400 breeding adults of the Western Pacific subpopulation of leatherback turtles. Working with the local communities, we are also collecting data on nesting females to better understand their behaviors and numbers.
Together, we can secure a brighter future for the remarkable sea turtle.
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Sea Turtle, Inc.
Sea Turtle, Inc. was founded in 1977 by Ila Fox Loetscher, better known as “The Turtle Lady of South Padre Island.” In 1999, Sea Turtle, Inc. moved from Ila’s backyard into its current location at 6617 Padre Blvd.
Originally this organization was formed to aid in the protection and recovery of the endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtle. Our mission has since expanded into three parts: Education, Rehabilitation, and Conservation.
Sea Turtle Nest and Hatchling Adoptions help fund the sea turtle patrols and nest conservation here on South Padre Island! Our organization manages the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle nest conservation for the US Fish & Wildlife Service.
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Upwell is dedicated to protecting turtles at sea, where they spend most of their lives.
Despite strong protections at nesting beaches, pernicious threats offshore are pushing sea turtle populations into decline. All sea turtle species are imperiled by detrimental human activities at sea. Critically endangered populations, like East Pacific leatherbacks, are on the verge of extinction.
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Olive Ridley Project
The Olive Ridley Project is on a mission to protect sea turtles and their habitats through rescue and rehabilitation of injured sea turtles, scientific research, and education and community outreach.
Name and adopt a sea turtle s also available as are free online courses about sea turtles.
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